The Nine Muses were: Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope. They were the nine daughters of Zeus.
They were not interested in anything of the regular human everyday life and they wanted to dedicate their lives to the Arts.
1. ¿Quién era Orfeo?
2. ¿Qué instrumento le dio Apolo?
3. ¿Cómo murió Eurídice?
4. ¿Qué es el inframundo?
5. ¿Quién era Hades?
6. ¿Qué le prometió Orfeo a Hades para dejar que su esposa regresara?
7. ¿Qué le pasó a Eurídice al final?
No sabemos con certeza cómo sonaba la música griega antigua porque nunca fue escrita. La mayoría de las canciones griegas consistían en una sola melodía repetida al unísono por cantantes e instrumentos musicales. Había canciones para diferentes ocasiones: trabajo, celebración, nacimiento, muerte y bebida. La música, la danza, la poesía y el teatro estaban entrelazados. Los coros jugaban un papel importante en los dramas y los festivales presentaban competiciones de poetas y músicos.
2. What instrument did Apollo give to him?
3. How did Eurydice die?
4. What is the underworld?
5. Who was Hades?
6. What did Orpheus promise to Hades to let his wife go back?
7. What happenned to Eurydice at the end?
We do not know for sure what ancient Greek music sounded like because it was never written down. Most Greeks songs consisted of a single melody repeated in unison by singers and musical instruments.
There were songs for all different occasions: working, celebrating, birth, death and drinking. Music, dance, poetry and drama were all intertwined. Choruses played an important role in dramas and festivals featured poet-musicians competitions.
“La música era esencial para el patrón y la textura de la vida griega, ya que era una característica importante de los festivales religiosos, los ritos matrimoniales y funerarios y los banquetes.
“Music was essential to the pattern and texture of Greek life, as it was an important feature of religious festivals, marriage and funeral rites, and banquet gatherings.
Los instrumentos más importantes eran la lira y el aulos. La lira estaba asociada al dios Apolo, el más poderoso de todos, guerrero, músico y atleta.
The most important instruments were the lyre and the aulos. The lyre was associated with the god Apollo, the most powerful god of all, warrior, musician and athlete.
El aulos estaba asociado al culto a Dioniso, dios del vino y el disfrute.
The aulos was associated with the worship of Dioysus, god of wine and enjoyment.INSTRUMENTOS GRIEGOS
It appear carved in a funeral pilar in Seikilos( Tralles). But far from being a mournful lament, it is a song that encourages us to enjoy our short lives.
EPITAFIO DE SEIKILOS Aparece tallado en un pilar funerario de Seikilos (Tralles). Pero lejos de ser un lamento lúgubre, es una canción que nos anima a disfrutar de nuestras cortas vidas.
It appear carved in a funeral pilar in Seikilos( Tralles). But far from being a mournful lament, it is a song that encourages us to enjoy our short lives.
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